
In every project, I aim to design a home that is gracious, comfortable and inspiring. As we know, most homes have a variety of spaces with their various functions, however hallways, in my opinion, are some of the most overlooked, yet important spaces in any home.

Hallways truly set the tone for how one might experience the rest of the home’s interior (or exterior!). They are often spaces that bring transition to other rooms, however they can also create magical moments on their own — to linger and admire art, have a rest on a beautiful chair, or relish in natural light. There are a sea of design decisions that help inform these experiences, from the floor plan development, to the door casing design, to studying natural light patterns, and more.

The charge for this Emigration Trail Project was to celebrate inhabitants of all generations while injecting the home with color. I especially love how our working relationships with antiques dealers, handcrafted upholsterers and the like are celebrated throughout the home. You get a sense of this immediately while floating down the hall. It is this essence that allows the hallway to subliminally nod to the home’s comprehensive narrative.

Most notably, what helps bring this hall space to life is the art. We worked closely with IG Art who helped curate spectacular art pieces for the home. Here, a Rhombus Totem in the entry brings a provoking statement in addition to the Elliot Puckette abstract piece, both beautifully juxtaposed with the traditional settee and oil landscapes on the wall.

Here’s to celebrating spaces of all kinds!

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